Unfollowing Indiana

Unfollowing Indiana published on 7 Comments on Unfollowing Indiana

Don’t you hate it when you try online actions in the real world, and they won’t work?

Sometimes I get mixed up and I end up subconsciously trying to do things that I do all the time online, but in the real world.
At other times, I try to do things on my laptop, which only work on my iPhone.
For example, I was typing a document in Word recently and tried to add a full stop to the end of the sentence by hitting the space bar twice. This is how it works on my iPhone and my subconscious, or muscle memory, or whatever, just decided that was what I needed to do.

I find that I have quite a lot of these little occurences happen to me. Mostly, I just forget about them straight away.
But I know they are there. Haunting me. Mocking me.

I dread the day that I try to leave a conversation at a party or a networking seminar, by looking for the speakers ‘unfollow’ button…

Is it just me or has it happened to you as well?

Failed online gaming

Failed online gaming published on 2 Comments on Failed online gaming

When World Of Warcraft & Nintendo join forces, it can only end badly.

The collaboration shown in my comic has not happened, of course – but if it did, it would be sure to fail miserably.
I think that trying to have the Wii users and WOW users work togethor on a common platform would be harder to orchestrate than world peace.

Unfortunately, this collaboration could well be something that is on a gaming marketing executive’s “brainstorm” list somewhere.

Lets face it, worse ideas have been pitched by marketers of games – and some have actually been followed up on!

Some recent failed gaming marketing ploys include  Sony’s Failed PSP Viral Marketing Stunt and recently, EA’s “Sin to Win” contest for Dante’s Inferno

There are also too many examples of cross-promotional merchandise that marketers have pushed onto the consumer public.
Check out these 6 Crappy Items Marketed Towards Gamers, such as :

– Caffeinated Soap
– Video Game Champion Glove
– Game Fuel (which was Mountain Dews attempt to cash in on Halo 3)

Crosspromotion and co-branding is a way of life in marketing and many online games (I am looking at you, Second Life) even include branding opportunities within them.

This can sometimes be very successful.
But in my view, even when they succeed, it still feels like a sell-out.

No-one likes Clippy

No-one likes Clippy published on 6 Comments on No-one likes Clippy

Is Microsoft’s clippy the most hated animated avatar of all time?

I think he just may be. I don’t know of any other avatar characters that seem to have united computer users in the bonds of hate like Clippy has managed to do.

Originally intended to be a helpful assistant to guide you through using Microsoft Office, he instead became a target of hatred.
I blame this on his arrogant manner. It always felt like he thought he was better than you and was putting you down. (Maybe that was just me?)

He is (mostly) gone now, but I know how much time microsoft put into creating him, so I truly expect him back sometime in the future. Until then – let’s enjoy the silence….

Leave a comment and let me know who your most hated avatar character is, and why.

Before you go – please take a minute to visit this excellent little animation done by Shaun Moriarty.
I just had to share this with you, as I think the animation he has done for this song is just perfect.

>> Click here to enjoy “a social network for two

The Great Social Media Conspiracy

The Great Social Media Conspiracy published on 2 Comments on The Great Social Media Conspiracy

The Government is reading your tweets and plans to oppress you through facebook!

Social networks are just a front to get your information!
A grand conspiracy to place all an individuals information into massive government database so they can monitor & oppress you!

Well, that is the plan (if you believe in that sort of thing). Luckily, the internet has blown the lid off the top secret machinations so we can all be vigilant.

The curtain has been raised, and through the power of the internet, we now know so many things.
For example:

– Did you know that “Facebook is a CIA front” ?
Obama plans to oppress you via Facebook ?
– The CIA uses facebook to recruit new operatives ?
Twitter makes you dumber
– Twitter was created by mind control experts

So, as you casually tweet away, or play your facebook games, make sure your aluminium foil hat is on tight.