Masters of Business

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He-Man. Master of Business
I really like drawing He-Man and his pals.
The absolutely ridiculous amount of muscle on him and the other “Masters of the Universe” make them lots of fun to sketch.
I have a feeling there will be more “Masters of Business” to follow this one.

The ghosts of Monkey Magic

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Monkey magic ghosts
Click image to see all the images larger

I have a major fanboy crush on the original TV show “Monkey Magic”. It is one of the shows I grew up watching and it is still one of my favourite programs to this day.

The show was unique for it’s time and has influenced countless books, cartoons, TV shows and artists. It was fun, thrilling and yet it still also taught you life lessons if you took the time to listen.

As well as Monkey Magic, I also like ghosts, so I decided it was time to combine these two things and see what eventuated.
The results can be seen here on my flickr site, where I have posted the full set of these Monkey Magic ghosts. Hopefully, you can tell who is who amongst this lot.
I will be releasing this as a limited edition print soon, so stay tuned to hear more about that.

Wakka Leaks

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Don’t listen to this guy.  He is such a muppet.

A lot of people have jumped onto the WikiLeaks bandwagon recently which inspired me to create and share this comic.
There is a lot of differing opinion on WikiLeaks,  both positive and negative. It is such a polarising media event, that the word”WikiLeaks” hasnow entered into the common  usage in everyday language.
That is pretty hard to do.

Personally, I support WikiLeaks. The site and what it stands for.
Not Julian Assange.
I can make a very clear distinction between the two, which (unfortunately) many others cannot do.
Julian has become part of the equation,which I feel gives the non-supporters more ammunition to work with, in order to bring down WikiLeaks.
This is not right, in my opinion,  as I feel that the information released through the site is vital in this day and age.
The public should be kept informed about the decisions and deals that our government,or the military, make on our behalf.

If WikiLeaks is ever shutdown or banned, it will be a great shame.
But I take comfort in knowing that if the death of WikiLeaks occurred, numerous smaller sites would pop-up right away, to fill the void.

After all, the internet is the “information superhighway” and the Truth should always be out there.

Past Christmas

Past Christmas published on 3 Comments on Past Christmas

I was inspired to do this comic after seeing “A Christmas Carol” on TV, (played  too many times during Christmas Day), as well as the people moaning on twitter & facebook, about the crap presents they  recieved.

I imagined what it would be like if you got the Christmas presents you really wanted 15 or 20 years ago, but they only arrived today.
Even thought you really wanted them at the time, you would probably think they are the most crappy gifts ever now.
This is because advertising media tells you about a brand new something every day, that you really want, but did not know you wanted.

We all know that Christmas is a commercial holiday these days, just like Easter and Valentines Day.
Their original meanings are lost, obscured and obfuscated under piles of consumer messaging.

But if the thing you wanted was something that you REALLY wanted, you would still love it, even if it turned up many years later.
(Yes, I am thinking about you, Thundercats Electronic Cats Lair, and also you, GREEDO…. )

Personally, I really hate the pressure that I feel around the holidays. Specifically, the pressure to purchase gifts for others.
You are expected to get a little something for others (and a bigger something for your close family), regardless of your personal inclinations or budget restraints.
And when people say “I don’t want anything this year’ they very rarely mean it. Instead, they expect you to truly think about a great gift to give them. Trust me – If you take them at their word and don’t get a gift for them, prepare to go into hiding for the next 12 months.

Does anyone else feel the same way?