Closely Monitored

Closely Monitored published on 2 Comments on Closely Monitored

I bet every married man can relate to this comic.

Sometimes you look. Sometimes you get caught.
And you were not even looking at another woman, or her *parts* – you just happened to be glancing in the same direction that another woman was.
And even if there was another woman, you would only have been looking at her jewellery, purse or dress, whilst thinking “My wife would look great in that. I should buy her a dress/purse/jewellery just like that.”

Yep, once you are married, you never have to look again.
You have all the woman you can handle. (trust me).

……Oh, Hi honey! I did not know you were reading my post….

To the Batcave

To the Batcave published on 47 Comments on To the Batcave

To the Bat Cave, Robin!
Robin?  Robin? Where are you boy wond……  Oh, for f*@ks sake! get off facebook so we can go and fight crime!!
(That is how I imagine a pretty typical Dynamic Duo conversation would go these days.)

There are millions of Batman fans out there on the internet. Many of them will have smart phones, and may be using any number of a vast array of  geo-location applications.
And I will bet each of them thought they were really cool, ironic and unique when they added “The Bat Cave” as a spot on the map, so they could check-in to it.

Go to pretty much any city, in any geo-location site (such as Gowalla, foursquare or Facebook Places) and you will find multiple entries for “Bat Cave”.
The same holds true for the “Fortress of Solitude”, Hogwarts and Castle Greyskull.

But I could not find anything for the Arrowcave (Green Arrow) or Sanctum Sanctorum (Dr Strange)

Geo-location applications have really taken off in the recent past, but at present they seem to suffer from a major problem.
That problem is letting the general public add your data for you.
When you do that it is a great way to get free data-entry done, but you never know what you will get.
You will need to be happy to have incorrect data, duplicate entries and millions of joke entries.

Although, if I were the kind of person with a secret lair, then right now would be a great time to add it multiple times on geo-location sites. Add it in so many different  locations that the bad-guys will have no idea which is the real location.
Oh, yeah – and I probably would not add in the actual location, just to be on the safe side.

SoundWave – Guest comic

SoundWave – Guest comic published on 1 Comment on SoundWave – Guest comic

This week, I was sent my first ever guest comic. The artist even wrote the blog post for me! So all I need to do is copy and paste everything into my site. How awesome is that?
Now, if I can just get this to happen every week, I will have more time for surfing for porn drawing.

Andrew creates a strip that I really enjoy. I like the story lines he comes up with (and the moustaches), and I can really relate to the local flavour of the site as I have been to Townsville many times.
(little known fact – I was born in Rockhampton, Australia, which makes me a Central Queensland boy just like Andrew.)

Anyway, enough from me. Here is what Andrew wrote to go with this comic:


Oh my god, what’s this?
This isn’t the work of the incredible Agent-X… who could this be?
It’s me! Andrew Sorohan, the writer and author of “A Townsville Fairytale“.
I also draw and illustrate that (illustrious) cartoon. Why don’t you check it out?

So what is this?
This is me being a little bit bored. I wanted something different to draw than my usual moustachio’d dudes, and at the same time I was going through Agent-X’s page to catch up on his strip (turned out that involved reading the latest strip, since I was more caught up than I thought).
So, after a quick Twitter exchange (and shame on you if you’re not following both Agent-X and myself, @TownsvilleTale on Twitter) I threw together this little ditty.

What does it all mean?
Well, anyone who knows me knows that I’m a massive Transformers dork. And anyone who knows Transformers knows that in the 80’s Soundwave was the single coolest Transformer out there. Unfortunately literally everything that made him awesome is now insanely dated.
He changes into a cassette player, he has a host of cassette-tape minions. Even the fact that his weapons turn into his tape player mode’s batteries is dated because people don’t use Duracells in their portable equipment nearly as much any more.
Even Soundwave’s awesome voice is dated — with the heavy synthetic recoding sounding very very 80’s nowadays.

Repeated attempts have been made to update the poor guy over the years, but Soundwave has just never really recaptured his spot at the top since then. In fact he recently lost out to a Beast Wars character for his place Hasbro’s official Transformers Hall of Fame. Ouch.

Oh, and just so you know, the guy in the foreground is the 2010 toy release Terradive, an incredibly awesome new jet Transformer.

–Andrew S.

(Plus I included an iPod so that it’d be more like an Agent X strip, what with his being up on modern technology jargonyness…
Man, sometimes I feel like I’m just like Soundwave.