
Inheritance published on No Comments on Inheritance

Someday this could be you!

Maybe someone you know will have this happen to them.

The scary thing is that at sometime in the very near future, we are going to either experience something similar first hand, or we will begin to hear news reports about people bequeathing their digital credits to family & friends.
It is inevitable.

There are so many online store credits out there, that sooner or later, we will bank them just like real money.
Once that happens it is a very short journey until people begin to leave these behind in their wills.
Some credits, such as Lindens (from Second Life) can be converted into real money, which would make leaving it behind in your will much easier.
But what about all those credits that cannot be converted? Do they just become useless digital data?
I don’t see why that has to be the case. After all, aren’t most financial transactions done online these days?
That means that even now, “real money” is just digital data being transferred around.
Online credits therefore, are just as valuable and useful as “real money”.

I would encourage you all to start tracking your online credits, whatever they may be, and plan to put them to good use when you go.
Think which relatives are truly deserving enough to get the Amazon & iTunes store credits.
The others can just get your Foursquare Mayorships.

3D TV mythology

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At last! We know why development of 3D television is not progressing well!

We keep getting teased with the promise of the glorious viewing future that 3D television is going to bring to our lives.
For the past few year, we keep getting glimpses of what we could have soon. But the “soon” keeps getting moved.
It is starting to look like this whole 3D TV idea is too hard to figure out.

One of the failings that many commentators pickup on, is the need for special glasses in order to see the 3D effect.
This has led to articles telling us it will flop, even before it has begun.
The glasses are an annoyance & in many cases, users complain of headaches after a few minutes using them.

That said, researchers from Berlin’s Heinrich Herz Institute claim to have found a way to deliver 3D without glasses.
They have developed a set-top camera that tracks a viewers’ eyes and aligns 3D images accordingly.
Sadly,  it can only work with one pair of eyes at a time at present, so you cannot share the viewing experience with friends.

So, the race is on to see who can develop  this ground-breaking medium successfully first.
Toshiba appear to be the front runners so far, but let’s not get too excited just yet…

All I know is that I am waiting with baited breath for it to be ready and in my lounge room, so I can finally watch Judge Judy the way it was intended – with her all up in my face!

Touch Screen Haters Club shirt

Touch Screen Haters Club shirt published on

Since a few people have asked for it, I have made the “Touch Screen Haters Club” comic into a t-shirt for your wearing pleasure.

The Touch Screen Haters ClubThe T-shirt is available on redbubble here > if you want to go and check it out.

Yes, I hear you out there saying “Oh, how original! A comic person making a shirt out of their cartoon, to sell to me.”
Well, I can totally understand why you would feel that way.
Not every comic I do ends up as a shirt.

In fact, I would like to make shirts designs that are mainly separate and special designs created just for that purpose.

But in this case, it was requested. Also, who am I to turn down the chance to make a few bucks from my work?
If I don’t do it, someone else will knock off my cartoons & do it themselves.
At least this way,  I don’t get ripped off and I can put the few dollars I  *may* make, back into things to help me make more comics for you to enjoy!

Touch Screen Haters Club

Touch Screen Haters Club published on 11 Comments on Touch Screen Haters Club

The future of computing is touch screen technology.

It is a fantastic interface, which offers intuitive navigation, instant interaction and the ability to present experiences in a manner we have never been able to do before.
Soon, everything will have a touch based navigation to it.

This is great news for most of us. Those of us, that is,who have the ability togenerate the touch pressure & bio-electric conduction required to make touchscreens work.
But spare a thought for those who will be unable to use the new technological marvels we are sure to be presented with soon.

The unlucky include:
– aliens who control things just with their minds
– characters with spikes for fingers
– monsters with huge sharp claws
– most hooved animals
– robots with caliper hands
– zombies (but only because they are too dumb)
– dinosaurs

So next time you buy a touch screen device, just think about all these things that won’t be able to enjoy it.