Rotary Cartoon Awards

Rotary Cartoon Awards published on

I have just sent off some of my comics to compete in the Rotary Cartoon awards for 2010.
The theme for this year is “SOCIAL NETWORKING” which really works in my favour as the topic is pretty much what my comics are all about.

These awards have been going since 1989 and are run as part of the Bunker Cartoon Gallery .
Being primarily a digital cartoonist, I would not normally have considered entering a cartoon contest as I have always thought of these as being for print/editorial cartoonists. But I have decided to bite the bullet and throw my hat into the ring anyway.

I may not do well.

I may win the top award.

I have no idea, but I do know one thing – you can’t win it if you are not in it.
Expect an update on this when I hear something.

Beware the master

Beware the master published on 3 Comments on Beware the master

The Google-Fu is strong with this one…..

“Google-Fu” is a disciplined mastery of search techniques using Google. A true google-fu master possesses many secret and awe-inspiring keyboard moves that allow him or her totally mastery of the browser and grants ultimate access to the most obscure data.
If you have strong Google-Fu, you can be a truly valuble asset to any organisation or your friends.
The same dark skills also make you a scourge to anyone that claims to have original ideas, but which have actually been sourced from anywhere online.

With the rise of Bing, the Google-Fu master now has a yin to their yang.
There is no official term for a master of Bing, that I am aware of (possibly no masters exist yet). So, I have coined the term “Bing-Do”, to compliment the “Google-Fu” terminology already being used.

It seems that mastery of these two opposing mystic arts may one day bring balance to the interwebz and the wielder of their mighty secrets.
Or, if used for impure purposes, it may be the cause for the downfall of the entire online world!

Either way, as long as there are explosions and maybe a car chase, I will be fine with it!

Comic strips before…

Comic strips before… published on 1 Comment on Comic strips before…
Strips before chicks
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Based on a twitter conversation I had earlier in the week, I was inspired to create these t-shirt designs.
These shirts are aimed squarely at Comic creators & readers, who may at times feel that their partners/significant others do not share their passion and commitment for comics.

There are male & female version of the slogans, as well as two different ideas – word balloon or a strip image. (You can choose which is which, based on your own needs.

Anyway, let me know what you think about these designs.
If they prove popular enough, I may improve the designs and make them into actual t-shirts one day, so that you can finally tell the world how your really feel!

[polldaddy poll=3517666]

Psycho story

Psycho story published on

Psycho Joe
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A few weeks ago, I posted a random doodle of Psycho Joe. He is a character that a friend & I created when I was in school.
Psycho Joe hates pretty much everything and everyone. He makes no apologies for anything he does and he has only one friend – his knife, “Chucky”.

I recently found this comic I drew many years ago, which I thought you fine people on the interwebz may like to see.
This was created back in my first year of university and would have probably been done in the very little time that exists between lectures & drinking.

I would like to think my drawing skills have improved greatly since this strip, but you be the judge. So, have a look and enjoy it just for what it is.

This is actually a fairly tame Psycho Joe comic. Others that were done by my friend & I, during our formative years at school, are much more offensive.
Not really sure I should post them, but I will if you want me to. Just leave me a comment & let me know.