The Dilbert redux

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This week, my comic recommendation is a bit different to what you might expect.
It involves taking an already existing strip, then changing the text to give it a whole different outcome and punchline.
Altering other strips to give a different result is not exactly a new idea, as it has been successfully done already in strips such as Garfield Minus Garfield.

However, the reason I am recommending strip below is that it takes the extremely popular strip ‘Dilbert‘, created by Scott Adams, and it gives it a brand new lease of life. I often enjoy these redux strips better than the original.


Dilbertte reflects office life better than Dilbert
Dilbertte takes the popular Dilbert comic strip and replaces the dialog, in an attempt to accentuate blandness and change the entire tone of the strip. This is by no means a bad thing. In fact, the end result can often end up being far funnier that the original strip.
For example, compare the strip above with the original one here.
Dilbertte purposely attempts to make some strips extremely bland and nonsensical, often leaving many readers scratching their heads. It really is the type of thing you have to just “get” and you must be able to revel in the stupidity of it all.
It is reduxed by Tom, who can be found lurking on twitter and posting things he should not, as @FiveThumbsDown. And just in case Scott Adams asks, we have no idea where Tom is….

Got a strip you think I should know about? Then leave me a comment below.

Aquaman speaks out

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Aquaman speak out about the BP Oil spill
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It seems that nearly everyone has an opinion about the recent Oil Spill disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico. It is a terrible disaster that is going to impact many people and kill thousands of animals.

I imagine that no-one would be more vocal about it than Aquaman, the king of Atlantis.

Seriously, how pissed off would he be right about now?
All his sea-life friends will be getting sick.
His food from now on will always be oily, no matter what he eats.
And even worse, oil stains are an absolute bitch to remove from spandex!

Trust me. I know all about stains in spandex……..

When the iceman calls

When the iceman calls published on 4 Comments on When the iceman calls

Superheroes must be the one of the most feared types of people for tech support staff.

They are magnets for having “computer issues” (as I have already covered previously here) and want everything sorted out right away. They are always complaining that the problem has to be fixed immediately, as it is a “matter of life or death”, or “the fate of the world depends on it”, or “a giant robot is about to crush my skull”.

Well boo fricken hoo! Seriously! Either they are too dumb or overpowered to use their computers in the first place, or they are super geniuses always tweaking settings and adding unauthorised custom software. (Yeah, I’m looking at you batman……)

Artists note :
This joke seems so obvious, yet when I researched it*, I was surprised to find this had not been done yet. The closest I could find was this comic, so I thought I had better give it some props.
If you find another version of this gag somewhere, especially with the iceman in it, please add a link in the comments. I would love to see it.

*Ok, I know what you are thinking – yes, I do research things on the google machine. I am all teknological and stuff.

Try these comics about comics

Try these comics about comics published on

This week, my two recommendations of what to check out are comics that are about comics.
Yeah, it’s a weird idea, ain’t it? Anyway, have a look and you may just find something new to enjoy.

Now get clicking, so you can check out:

Let’s be friends again

Lets be friends again is a comic about comics. That’s pretty much it. It’s not very complicated.
The strip is an irreverent gag-a-day style bucket of fun, with lots of inside jokes to keep the comic books nerds very happy.
It is written by Curt Franklin (who writes the words and can mostly spell alright) and drawn by the talented Chris Haley (who I suspect would like to be drawing more boobs)

Sam Zabel & The Magic Pen

Sam Zabel & The Magic Pen is a webcomic by Hickvile creator Dylan Horrocks. It tells the tale of Sam Zabel, who is a cartoonist struggling with anhedonia  (the absence of pleasure & joy) This has him greatly troubled and searching for the joy he once new.
The story shows great promise, so I suggest you read it from the start and I am sure you will want to stick with it and find out the fate of Sam.

Got a strip you think I should know about? Then leave me a comment below.