Check these out

Check these out published on

Looking for a cool new online comics to read?
Well you are in luck, because I have two to recommend to you today! I really like the art in these comics and I hope you do to.

Go now, and check out:

Toonhole” is a very cool site, which has comics drawn randomly by a bunch of different artists.
The artists include: Mike Nasar, John Martinez, Ryan Kramer, Chris Allison & Aaron J Paetz.
WARNING – it is not always safe for work.
Lead Paint Comics” is a strip which is about boobs, barfing meat golems and girls with time portals in their crotches. It is written by Mike Cornnell and Dana Wulfekotte
Split Lip” is a horror webcomic site, drawn by Sam Costello & various artists. There is a good range of stories on the site, and if you are a horror aficionado, I think you will like it immensely.

Doubledown Fail

Doubledown Fail published on 9 Comments on Doubledown Fail

Fast food is not always a winner.

If you have not yet heard of the KFC Doublebown, then go and check it out here –

This is just another in a very long line of consumer foodstuffs that are produced to get a market reaction.
The companies claim these items are produced based on customer requests – which is a really scary thought.

I want food that I can eat without getting an ill feeling before I even finish it, please.
And there is already plenty of online evidence to prove that this is exactly what happens.
Just have a read through the posts of those that have already been brave enough to try this thing.
(I would call it a burger, but I am not sure that is the right word.)

This thing scares me probably even more that the fabled “McGangbang” burger, because lots more people will try a Doubledown, I believe.

Oh well. People need to make their own choices.
I will just sit now and wait for the “Doubledown sufferers” wards to start opening in hospitals everywhere this is sold……

Locating Waldo

Locating Waldo published on 1 Comment on Locating Waldo

Not everything fits with these modern trends.

Location apps are so popular right now, that sometimes it is really scary to think about.
People willingly advertise where they are and then, of course, some opportunistic wierdos use that info to stalk them and generally be douches.

There are reports being posted all the time, about people being harrassed, attacked or robbed, due to the fact that they have told the world where they are.
It already has it’s own special terminology too. FOURSTALKING.
Have a read of this article, (Fourscared and Fourscammed) which relates some alarming stories of Fourstalking.

For many people, it seems that simply using common sense is an impossibility, when telling the entire planet what you are doing and where you are going.
My favourites are those users that add their own houses to Foursquare. If I were criminally minded, I would know exactly when to rob your house, because you tell me when you are not home. Brilliant!

Perhaps the only way to sort things out is to make the Foursquare Cops a reality?
I wonder how long it will be until we have legal legislation against certain online location based activites.
Maybe not soon enough…..

Whoa! A very strange and totally coincidental occurrence has just……um…occurred.

As I am posting this comic, I took a look at the very latest “My Cardboard Life” strip, which is created by the talented Philippa Rice.
(Also known as @thejuzzard on twitter).

With absolutely no prior knowledge of my comic subject, she has just posted a strip which also has WALDO! Check it out here

Seriously, how weird is that?