Pussy Envy

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For some people, this is just a fact of life.

People follow cats, dogs, rabbits and all kinds of other animals on Twitter.
There are over 500 cat accounts alone.
And I ask simply, WHY?

Yes, I see the novelty factor, and I know people love their pets, but seriously people. Come on!
If you run one of these accounts, you need to take a good hard look at yourself.

And you readers are not blameless in this, after all, some of you FOLLOW these accounts.

Take a look at this article about 7 Cats On Twitter With More Followers Than You.
The most famous twitter cat of all, Sockington the cat (@sockington – no, I am not linking to it) has 1,526,663 followers when I wrote this post.
A list celebrities on twitter have fewer followers than that! No wonder people get depressed using social media.

It goes further too. There are special networking sites for pets, called “social petworks” (No, I did not just make that up. Go on, google it.)
And there are sites to even help your pets tweet without your help!

This is not good people. Do you not realise what is happening here? Can you not see where this is headed?
We are slowly, but surely, enabling the animals to take over as the dominant species of this planet.

I plead with you – Stop it all NOW, before it is far too late!! BEWARE THE ANIMAL UPRISING!!

If this post is being read by any animals, please take note that I am a hard worker, and am willing to use my influence over others to serve under your glorious reign, when that day comes. I was just writing this so the other stupid humans think I am on their side. Meow meow woof squeak forever.

By the way, yes, I am aware that this comic is provocatively titled. If you have found your way here by googling ‘pussy’ and are actually reading this sentence, then leave a comment below. Also, ask yourself why you have not yet figured out this is not a porn site and are still reading?

Social Media Guru

Social Media Guru published on 11 Comments on Social Media Guru

G-U-R-U is the new way to spell “Clueless”

Everyone has heard all about the huge amounts of people self-proclaiming themselves as “Social Media Gurus” over the past few years.
And I bet everyone has met one of these people in real life too.

Almost without exception, these “gurus” are clueless, unimpressive self-promoters who have grabbed on to the latest thing that they think will get them some attention, respect and acclaim.
So many people added this title to their twitter profiles, in 2009, that it became hard to find someone without the word “guru”.
This fairly recent post from BL Ochman talks about the number of people still doing this. You can go to tweepsearch.com and confirm this for yourself too.

It is all so sad and it has created a situation that the word “guru” has lost the reverence that it once had.
The definition of the word shows it was once an honorable title. But no longer. It now draws ridicule, mistrust and scorn in the western world and online.

The odd thing is that a majority of these so called “gurus” have chosen this title for themselves.
This is the reason it has lost it’s former meaning, as the title is one that needs to be placed on you by others, who value your worth and the contribution you can make.

Because these titles were self-bestowed, the wielders of this awesome new rank often made some fantastically stupid mistakes due to their own lack of knowledge. For a great list of some of these, check out this post from mashable

Thankfully, rise of the social media gurus seems to have reached its peak, because there’s a new, contrary, position gaining momentum. It’s the “who the hell are these people to call themselves experts” movement. Posts like this one and this reflect that sentiment.

But the term is forever tarnished, in my opinion.
That’s OK though, because I like the word “sensei” better anyway.

I am also lurking on the internet in places other than here. (and in a VERY non-guru kind of way).
You can check out these places:

Agent-x Comics fan page

Agent_X on twitter Agent-x Comics on flickr Google Profile
FB Fan page Twitter Flickr Google Buzz

Chat Roulette Champion

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Sometimes winning requires missing out…..

Since Chat Roulette is flavour of the month right now, I could not resist doing a comic about it.

It seems EVERYONE is talking about it. The media are all over it, trying to dissect it’s good and bad points.
Parodies are popping up all over the place, youtube videos of chat roulette pranks are being posted as fast as people can make them, and images form webcams are posted everywhere.

Three of my favourites so far are:

> Jon Stewart Goes On Chatroulette

> The eye vagina (safe for work)

> Cat Roulette

It is a novelty that many have tried out and quickly realised that the anonymity and randomness of the connections that you get can enable them to be free (sometime far too free, I think) with their thoughts and bodies.
If nudity offfends, then Chat Roulette is NOT the place for you to be.

In fact, if you can go for 6 rounds without seeing a penis or some boobs, then you are probably doing something wrong.

If you need to, go and check it out here.

Space Hug

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A hug can be the best motivational tool ever.

In this modern world, where connectivity options are more abundant than they have ever been before, it amazes me how alone we can still become.
People can actually became more isolated from society by utilising social networking, blogging tools and mobile communication apps.

I fear that Sci-Fi may actually be correctly predicting a future in which humanity operates and interacts totally via virtual, computer enhanced means. An environment where Virtual Reality is the only reality we know.
(think eXistenZ, The Matrix or MindWarp)

To combat this is a very simple thing – We just need to keep up human contact and not be so scared of it.

Yes, it is true these days that you need verbal and written permission, 3 forms of ID and an officially approved government licence to Hug a stranger, but so what?

Give it a go.
Hug someone and see what happens.
If nothing else, you and the other person will not be alone for a moment.