Superman tries out online justice

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Heat-vision and computers do not mix.

Have you ever noticed that many superheros do not use computers as part of there crime fighting activities?

Now wait on comic book nerds (and I can say that, because I am one too…..)
I know there are exceptions, such as Oracle.
Yes, the Batcave has the Bat Computer.
Ok, the Hall of Justice has a supercomputer.
Sure, Cerebro is a massive super computer too….

What I mean is, why don’t they REALLY use them?
They could be getting their own back on the bad guys by flaming them on forums, hacking their bank account details and sending them to Nigeria or just posting their information all over the web to over-expose them so much that they can’t do anythign without getting recognised instantly.

The superheros would then not be destroying buildings during a meta-powered battle, or creating massive secret lairs to operate from and thereby generally being drains to the national economy.

I am putting out a call for the caped crusaders to become more realistic for our modern lives.Continue reading Superman tries out online justice

Facebook Research Department

Facebook Research Department published on 5 Comments on Facebook Research Department

The secret to facebook’s product development research revealed!

Lately, facebook has been implementing new features, which look suspiciously like functions that already appear in a very popular micro-blogging platform.
And the response to these implementations have not been received with the overly positive response that was perhaps expected.

Twitter users were outraged.

Facebook users were outraged.

Many people have blogged and suggested that Facebook has merely copied popular elements of other popular sites in an effort to make sure that current FB users remain with the site, as well as attracting users from the other sites to fall back in love with Facebook again.

Whatever the reasons – the main question that I think needs to be asked is this:

“Are Facebook making changes because it will enhance their user experience, or is it just a case of jealousy?”

Change for change sake is never good.
Time will have to tell with this one.

Those damn facebook games

Those damn facebook games published on 9 Comments on Those damn facebook games

One day, playing all those stupid games on facebook will catch up with you.

Let me get this out in the open – I really really hate those games on facebook.
Not the games themselves though.

I hate that even though I am not playing them, I still have to interact with them.
They force me to filter their information feeds, spend time ignoring or blocking requests to play them or writing messages to friends, asking them to stop telling me about their latest win in “BejewelFarmMafia poker”, or whatever.

And people already get obsessed with Facebook & other social media, so giving them a new addiction is not on, in my book.

It is all just so damn annoying.

Anway, that’s all I want to say on the matter.

So, feel free to leave a comment and vent your rage if you agree with what I am saying here.
(And no, I will not join your mob, guild or crew.

I did not include trolls in this comic, because they are actually real.

Six Imaginary Creatures

Six Imaginary Creatures published on 7 Comments on Six Imaginary Creatures
I did not include trolls in this comic, because they are actually real.

This comic contains six things that do not exist.

The internet, and modern media in general, has allowed myths and fantasy to flourish, spread and crossover into believed fact like never before in human history.
Sure, there have always been those that believe in the creatures that hide in the shadows. And many would say that despite what you may personally believe, it is unwise to refute the belief in these creatures, as it tempts fate.
After all, they are based in fact somewhere, right?

Even shakespeare added the quote to Hamlet:

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Continue reading Six Imaginary Creatures