Corporate Squid

Corporate Squid published on

Corporate Squid
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This is a comic idea that I had a while ago. “Corporate Squid” was a squid who gets employment in an office and then has to deal with the mundane day-to-day repetitiveness that most us call our ‘job’.
Corporate Squid had an illustrious run of exactly two strips. The first is above, and the second never actually made it past the inking stage.

I have decided that over time, I will post comics I have done earlier in my life. As the agent-X Comics have only been officially running since March 2009, I figured you may like to get a taste of some of the random doodles that have come before it.
Some are OK and others are just….. well, they happened and need to be owned up to at some point.

Enhance your bar

Enhance your bar published on

Enhance your bar

In case you missed the update today about the “enhancements” to IOS 4.1, then have a read about it here.
>> This Is How Much the New iPhone 4 Signal Bars Have Grown

This has angered many, but not me.
I feel a cross promotion with Viagra & Apple is just around the corner. A very well-enhanced promotion with big bars and lots of touch activated fun….

Riding the rails

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Public transport
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This week, I have had the …um…. ‘joy’ of partaking in public transport.

I use the word joy very loosely, as there is very little joy in being crammed into a small space with people who just do not want to be there.

This quick comic I have done here kind of sums up what I felt while travelling in a carraige full of other commuters, who were deperately wishing they were all alone.

There was very little eye contact and absolutely no talking. Attentions were focussed solely on listenting to ipods, playing on their phones or reading something.Overall, it was all pretty depressing and I found myself fall into the same pattern as everyone else very quickly.