Uploaded to the cloud

Uploaded to the cloud published on No Comments on Uploaded to the cloud

Language is a fluid thing.
Sometimes we make up new terms for things to make them seem cooler, nicer or more modern.
At other times, slang terms are created or annexed, to describe existing activities.

What we knew in one way even just a few years ago, becomes known in an entirely different way after a very short time.
“Cloud” is a good example of this. In a very short amount of time, the word that once made us initially think of fluffy white things in the sky, can now make is think first about data storage.

Another word that has morphed in understanding in recent times, is “hack”. This used to make us think of chopping away at something, but now makes us think of someone shady breaking into top secret computer databases.

I am sure there are many more examples of this out there, but I won’t discuss them here because I don’t like to talk about what has already happened.
Instead, I like to live on the cutting edge and make up my own new words.
And then when I use them, I make fun of other people who don’t know what they mean, often calling them crawfaxes or ziglabats.

That really confuses them.
People are such crimglassons sometimes….

Batman's next challenge is teaching Supes to put URLs directly into the address bar, and not the Google search.

Super Undo

Super Undo published on 2 Comments on Super Undo
Batman's next challenge is teaching Supes to put URLs directly into the address bar, and not the Google search.

I have been told that there are some people who won’t understand this comic.
Although that is nothing new for me, I thought it might be good to explain this one a bit.

The joke in this comic is based on a very iconic scene, from the first “Superman” movie, which starred Christopher Reeve in the role of Superman. Lois Lane gets killed when her car falls into a hole created by a massive earthquake. She dies, buried in her car in the desert. After finding Lois Lane dead, Superman flies around the Earth’s perimeter so quickly that it reverses the planet’s rotation. After time has rewound to an appropriate point, Superman returns the planet to its original direction.  Lois is now alive again, as are the others who may have perished in the earthquake, and he can then save her before the accident occurs.

You can see the clip of this here: