
Catastrophe published on 2 Comments on Catastrophe

I have often wondered just how difficult it is to make some of those “random” and “impromptu” videos we see on youtube.
Sure, they seem like a case of right place and right time. But some of them also seem just a little too staged.

Personally, I like to believe there is a crack team of highly trained cinematography geniuses, who are extremely adept at making movies that look home-made, who roam the world creating these things.

But maybe I am the only one that thinks that?

Personal Hells

Personal Hells published on No Comments on Personal Hells

I believe that every lazy marketing manager is slowly creating their own special personal hell in the afterlife.

Lord knows, they are putting enough of us through hell up here, when they use the same old boring online techniques and promotions.
The Internet is such  a wonderful and powerful beast, that it should be inspiring you to stretch your imaginations and try new things.

Online marketing needs to stop just using online channels, and begin to really USE online channels.