
Retirony published on No Comments on Retirony

Retirony – ‘to die shortly before one’s retirement”

This is a pretty common plot device in movies and on TV, but one that most people do not know the term for.
You see it a lot in police dramas, when a (usually fairly unknown) character gets killed a few days before they are due to retire from the force.
Anybody in a dangerous job who’s only a few days away from retirement or flying one last mission before going home, is absolutely doomed to death by Retirony. This then gives the star/s of the movie a reason to go after the perpetrator of this evil deed, normally blowing up half a city and causing millions of dollars of collateral damage along the way.

Examples of retirony in movies and TV are:

– We Were Soldiers
   A soldier announces that his wife is due to give birth that day, then gets killed by napalm

– Carlito’s Way
   Carlito is on his way to escaping his life of crime when he’s killed

To Live And Die In LA
William Petersen’s partner is about to retire but decides to try and bust a ring of counterfeiters before he does

– M.A.S.H
   Col. Henry Blake was sent home from the Korean War by plane, which crashes on the way home

– CSI: Miami
Horatio warns Speedle his motorbike may kill him soon. Speedle ignores this and two minutes later he is dead.

It is such a well used plot device, that it is often parodied.
Possibly none do it better than this trailer for the Mcbain movie, which Homer watches when in a video store:

This one has nearly all the cliches in it –
– mentioning how far off retirement is
– discussing future plans
– a photo of family/wife/sweetheart
– a plea to the hero to avenge the death

Many other Simpsons episodes also parody ‘retirony’. (refer to the list of other retirony references here)

This even happens in real life. Imagine being the last man shot in World war two
Even worse, getting killed at your retirement party by your co-workers.
And for some related trivia to end on – Charles Schultz died the day before the last Peanuts comic strip was published

Tablet Computing

Tablet Computing published on 1 Comment on Tablet Computing

Yep, that’s right!  Agent-X comics has jumped on the tablet computing band wagon.

Okay, not really. But I AM making fun of tablet computers.

And let’s face it – that is what you came here for, right?

















Hello? You still there?











Fine. Bugger off then.
Your mum stayed…..

Staff Rewards

Staff Rewards published on No Comments on Staff Rewards

I wonder if these rewards are in short supply?

If you are not familiar with the Phantom, you may not understand this comic, so get on over to the fountain of all knowledge (wikipedia) and get your learning on. It is all right here.

Between you and me, this comic was pretty tough for me to get finished. I was really struggling to decide between making the comic in the way you see it above, or to go with another idea I had.
In the end, the comic above was the original joke I thought of, so I decided that it was best to run with it and see how it is received.

Just in case you are curious though, I have also included the alternate version of this comic here as well. Click on the thumbnail below to check it out.
Let me know which one you prefer in the comments.

He is the MVP for the past 400 years.
Click to enlarge







Robot Apes

Robot Apes published on No Comments on Robot Apes

I recently saw “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”, which I thought was excellent.
However, I did not see any apes dancing in this movie. Nor do I recall them dancing in the original films.
I guess now we know why . 

I loved the new film and as a fan of the original movies, I was pleasantly surprised to see this film lived up to the hype.
Other fans of the Apes movies will surely have enjoyed spotting the nods to the originals, which were placed in it.

I noted:
–  a cameo by Charlton Heston on a TV screen
–  reference to Dr Zaius. (the orangutan was named Maurice, an obvious nod to actor Maurice Evans who played Dr. Zeus)
– a few classic lines being used. (eg: “Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape”)
– the tv news &  newspaper headlines that hint at the space mission that has gone missing
– Caesar  working on a puzzle of the Statue of Liberty
– a female chimp named Cornelia (reference to Roddy McDowell’s original role of Cornelius)
– Caesar’smother is named “Bright Eyes” (the nickname that Dr. Zira gave to George Taylor (Charlton Heston) in the original movie)
– Apes riding horses
– The name of the teenage guy at the Ape refuge is Dodge Landon. (“Dodge” and “Landon” were the last names of Taylor’s two surviving shipmates, in the original movie)
– Dodge Landon sprays Caesar with a fire hose. (An ape sprayed Taylor with a firehose in the original movie)

Did I miss any references?