Furry Download

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You wouldn’t download a bear…

Well, what if you could? I am pretty sure it would not end well. That bear would come out of your computer pretty cranky at having been squeezed through the tubes that the internet is made of.
I imagine the tubes to be pretty small, judging solely on how long it takes me to download nude photos of WWF wrestlers informational articles about cooking.

This comic was inspired by this poster, which of makes fun of the Anti-Piracy ads that appear on videos and DVDs before a rental movie starts. Oh, you have no idea what that ad is?  Then by all means, go and watch it.

Anyway, if I was going to download real things off the web, they would be:

  • Comic books (real ones)
  • Money
  • Pizza
  • A Unicorn.

In that order.


One more thing

One more thing published on 3 Comments on One more thing

A tribute comic to Peter Falk.

This comic was something that came to me after hearing the news of the death of Peter Falk on June 23rd, 2011.
Peter was most famously known for his portrayal of Lt. Columbo on TV.

I used to love watching Columbo when I was younger and I believe that even though Peter ended up being very typecast after playing this role, he made it his own. It is a truly unique character and one that I believe will never be able to be done as well as the original.
(I feel the same way about Christopher Reeves portrayal of SuperMan)

There are very few actors today that could end up in a hit TV show that ran for so many years, especially if they had a glass eye.
(At the age of three, his right eye was surgically removed due to cancer.)

As well as an actor,Peter was also an artist. A man of many talents, who never let anything stop him.

It was terrible to think that Peter did not even remember his time as Columbo, due to dementia in his later years.
And although I am saddened by the news of his passing, I will be happy that he taught me a very important life lesson when growing up – keep asking questions until you figure out the answer.

Oh, and just one more thing…..

Perfect Programming

Perfect Programming published on 2 Comments on Perfect Programming

Take a look at what perfect programming looks like.
Sleek. Stylish. Hard to fathom.

Every programmer out there wants to be the best. They want to know the perfect programming language and the best way to lay down their funky lines of code.
It is an endless quest and I believe it is the REAL reason they code.

Secretly, they hope to create something so pure and innovative that the rest of the programming community worldwide will laude them for their achievement for all eternity.
Not such a bad goal to have when you think about it.

Of course,some coders already believe they have reached their pinnacle. they suffer from “perfect programmer syndrome

perfect programmer syndrome: n.
Arrogance; the egotistical conviction that one is above normal human error. Most frequently found among programmers of some native ability but relatively little experience (especially new graduates; their perceptions may be distorted by a history of excellent performance at solvingtoy problems). “Of course my program is correct, there is no need to test it.” “Yes, I can see there may be a problem here, but I’ll never type rm -r /while inroot mode.”
Source:  Dictionary.com

All I know is that these guys can do cool stuff as well as scary stuff. So you should be very nice to them at all times. It is a little known fact that programmers actually love hugs!! (It is 100%true, but they will very forcefully deny it)
So why not make the code-wrangler in your office feel happier?
Go on – give your programmer/s a big hug today!

Website Gag

Website Gag published on No Comments on Website Gag

At first, emails gave people a way to recycle old jokes. Now, the internet increases that capability exponentially.
I still get sent “hilarious” emails and links to “new jokes” that I have already seen at least 5 times, over the course of the past 8 – 10 years.

It seems that it simply takes this long for some people to finally be sent the gag.
And as soon as some people see that joke, they think “Oh, what a simply brilliant piece of comedic hilarity! I MUST share this with everyone in my email address book and/or all my facebook friends.

I propose that the respective governments of the world combine their forces to create a team of specialists, whose sole purpose is to tag all the jokes on the internet with a creation date. That way, when you get something funny, you can see how old it is.
If the date of creation exceeds 8months, then you would know that sending this “joke” on to all the people you are connected to online it probably not necessary.
Instead, select a few people that you are at least 80% sure would not have seen it before,and just forward it on to them.

All jokes over a certain age should than be retired from doing the rounds online, and used again ONLY in emergency or nostalgic situations.

This plan of approach – which I have called the “Comedic Retirement Initiative” (C.R.I.) – is a sure fire way to make the interwebz and email channels of the world much more enjoyable for all who enter them.

NOTE: Any joke that can clearly be classified as a “Dad Joke” is excluded from the C.R.I.
Dad joke :  Definition |  Working examples

By the way, this is a special message for those readers that do not get this comic >> Click here
























You really need a hint? The webs on the computer and title on the presentation don’t help out?
Ok, if you REALLY need a hint, go here, you can find one here.