Pac Snack

Pac Snack published on 1 Comment on Pac Snack

Between Pac Man and the Ghostbusters, there should be no ghosts left anywhere on earth.
According to my calculations*, a partnership between these two forces for good, would wipe out all ghost activity on the planet earth in 12 weeks, 3 days and 10hours.

Ok, so I am very aware that this is the third Pac Man comic I have done (and the second within 2 weeks of each other).
I just like the little guy so much!
But I vow to you all, that I will take a break  from using Paccy in a comic again for a while. Of course, the length of time that this vow lasts for is totally open to my own whims.

In case this is your first time here, the previous Pac Man comics are:

Pac Man on Social Media

Pac Man Drunk


On a personal note, I am pretty happy with how this comic has turned out. I spent a LOT of time messing with the layout, trying to get this to work. I hope you like it too.



*Calculations may be totally made up, but you can’t prove a thing!!

Dangerous Clouds

Dangerous Clouds published on 1 Comment on Dangerous Clouds

The practice of cloud computing is here to stay.
Like it or not, you will be storing or accessing items in ‘the cloud’ for many years to come.

Already, the term ‘the cloud’ is not completly accurate, as there are now many different ‘clouds’ out there.
Think of it as a ‘Cloudscape’, if you will.
It is made of some very large cloud locations, such as the Amazon cloud, Microsoft cloud, the Sony PSN cloud and the Google cloud. Of course, there are many other smaller clouds as well. (Geez – I am sick of writing the word cloud already).

This shared cyberspace is already very splintered, so it is best to think of it in terms of what these different clouds offer, from a service point of view. It breaks down into 5 basic  “cloud services” markets.

These are:

– web-based services (eg: Google & Flickr)
– software-as-a-service (SAAS) offerings (eg: & Microsoft Exchange online)
– app-components-as-a-service  (eg: Google APIs & MSalesforce App Exchange)
– software-platform-as-a-service (eg: & Netsuite)
– virtual-infrastructure-as-a-service (eg: Akami)

For many, this all means pretty much nothing and the bottom line here is that pretty much every man & his dog is in the cloud now.
So, you need to unclench and just embrace it.

You should even start to learn some of the cloud computing terminology that comes with the territory.
Then, when people discuss it with you, you won’t seem to be in such of a fog.



Spirit Breath

Spirit Breath published on 2 Comments on Spirit Breath

PacMan could do so much more, if he just laid off the spirits.

I mean, he has a serious problem. And if he does not get help soon, I am afraid he does not have a ghost of a chance!
You can’t outrun your problems either. You need to face them head on and eat ’em up – but ONLY after you eat a cherry, of course.

This is not the first PacMan comic I have done. This one got a little bit of attention a while ago.
And I can promise you that there is at least one more coming in the near future, which should make fans of the yellow guy pretty happy.

Of course, if you don’t like PacMan, you can just read all my other comics.


Marking Territory

Marking Territory published on 3 Comments on Marking Territory

So many location apps. So little time…

There is little doubt that location based applications with social media aspects are the big ‘thing’ at the moment.
People just love to show where they are and to tell other people about it.

Do not get me wrong – I love a little bit of Foursquare, Places or Gowalla action.
Let’s face it though – it really is the digital  equivalent of  marking your territory, and leaving a scent behind to tell others you have been there.

But so what?
Humans (just like animals) have always been territorial. Defining the places we live in and own, helps us define who we are – to both ourselves and others.
And now that I can get a badge to prove I go to my local coffee shop more than you, perhaps I can stop peeing on the door?





