Past Christmas

Past Christmas published on 3 Comments on Past Christmas

I was inspired to do this comic after seeing “A Christmas Carol” on TV, (played  too many times during Christmas Day), as well as the people moaning on twitter & facebook, about the crap presents they  recieved.

I imagined what it would be like if you got the Christmas presents you really wanted 15 or 20 years ago, but they only arrived today.
Even thought you really wanted them at the time, you would probably think they are the most crappy gifts ever now.
This is because advertising media tells you about a brand new something every day, that you really want, but did not know you wanted.

We all know that Christmas is a commercial holiday these days, just like Easter and Valentines Day.
Their original meanings are lost, obscured and obfuscated under piles of consumer messaging.

But if the thing you wanted was something that you REALLY wanted, you would still love it, even if it turned up many years later.
(Yes, I am thinking about you, Thundercats Electronic Cats Lair, and also you, GREEDO…. )

Personally, I really hate the pressure that I feel around the holidays. Specifically, the pressure to purchase gifts for others.
You are expected to get a little something for others (and a bigger something for your close family), regardless of your personal inclinations or budget restraints.
And when people say “I don’t want anything this year’ they very rarely mean it. Instead, they expect you to truly think about a great gift to give them. Trust me – If you take them at their word and don’t get a gift for them, prepare to go into hiding for the next 12 months.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

War Stories

War Stories published on No Comments on War Stories

Every Medal has a brave and heroic story behind it.

You may remember when Grandpa was making up other historical “facts” over here
I just felt like maybe he had a bit more ‘Educating’ to do…

Perhaps at some point in the future, this comic will become a reality.
As the line between our online & offline lives are blurred,  Badges and Medals may well be awarded for things that we presently ignore.
– Checking into a location could earn you a physical badge from Foursquare.
– Your level ranking in WOW may mean you get priority seating at the movies.
– Saving Princess peach (again) may earn you a medal of valour and free plumbing vouchers.
– Finding a Golden Egg in Angry Birds could result in a REAL golden egg being delivered to you.
– Becoming the Mayor of the local Coffee Shop may give you proper mayoral powers and privilege over that establishment.

The future is an unknown entity,which I am always happy to speculate on. It holds the promise of so many technological advancements and changes in our everyday lives.
And I, for one, cannot wait until we all get to wear the unitards with the glowing track-lighting, like they show in that documentary of the future – TRON.

On a related note : My twitter pal @rhysmcdonald recently did some cool Tron art, which you can see over on his site

Closely Monitored

Closely Monitored published on 2 Comments on Closely Monitored

I bet every married man can relate to this comic.

Sometimes you look. Sometimes you get caught.
And you were not even looking at another woman, or her *parts* – you just happened to be glancing in the same direction that another woman was.
And even if there was another woman, you would only have been looking at her jewellery, purse or dress, whilst thinking “My wife would look great in that. I should buy her a dress/purse/jewellery just like that.”

Yep, once you are married, you never have to look again.
You have all the woman you can handle. (trust me).

……Oh, Hi honey! I did not know you were reading my post….