Inception – explained!

Inception – explained! published on 2 Comments on Inception – explained!

INCEPTION is the hit movie of the season right now.

It is a fantastic movie, but there have been reports that many people who have seen it, are having a hard time grasping the story.
Recent news reports state that around 45% of movie goers are seeing the movie again, just to try to figure it out.

So, to help all those people out, I have prepared this executive summary of the movie for you.
This will also be of use to those who are too cheap to spend the money to see the film, or are simply to busy to go.


In an odd co-incidence, this comic is being posted on the same day as the 71st anniversary of the movie “The Wizard of Oz“.
This seminal musical Hollywood hit is loved by millions around the world.
This comic was inspired from the final scene in this film, where Judy wakes up, surrounded by her family & friends and says “It was all a dream”.

In fact, this is so coincidental, that I am wondering if this is real, or am I stuck in a dream?

Dead Wrong

Dead Wrong published on 1 Comment on Dead Wrong

This comic was inspired by one type of hoax that has greatly benefited from the rise of the internet – hoaxes about celebrity “deaths”.
These hoaxes were around long before the internet existed, but they can now be spread far more easily spread and faster than ever before in the history of mankind.

In fact, more celebrity death hoaxes have been posted online in the past 3 years, than in all the entire history of the internet previously.*

At least every month, another celebrity will suddenly be taken long before their time, thanks to internet pranksters.
Luckily, nearly all of them are actually around to hear about it and have a good laugh at it.

Jeff Goldblum has actually been “net-killed” twice now. The most famous of these was the version announced as actual news by Richard Wilkins.
Just a few celebrities that also shuffled off the mortal coil – if you had believed Twitter & Facebook at the time –  were Britney Spears, Ellen DeGeneres, Miley Cyrus and P Diddy. As well, Harrison Ford was killed on a yacht, George Clooney died in a plane crash and Rick Astley was found dead in a hotel room.

These reports are often submitted in such convincing ways, that they are picked up by the mainstream press and run as real news.
People believe them and react grief-stricken until somebody in the media decides to actually check the source….

I think these hoaxes actually serve a purpose, as they make us stop and think before we take what the media is reporting for granted.
This can only be a good thing.

*Statistics sourced for the National Internet Bureau of Agent-X Stats and Make Believe factoids that can be put into posts. They are not real.

Together Forever

Together Forever published on 6 Comments on Together Forever

Man! This comic really kicked my butt trying to finish it.

There was an idea in my head that I played with and changed so many times, to try to make it appear in a comic format.
The hardest part was making Rick Astley actually look like Rick Astley, and not a redheaded Elvis.

I think I have managed to create a pretty good likeness, but I leave it up to you, the readers, to decide if I did a good enough job.
And if you feel I can do better, well leave me a comment below.

No – I won’t not be changing the comic, so you are stuck with it. But I do know how the interwebz love to have a go at things, so go for it.

Also, if you have any comments about the lameness of the joke in this comic, then please refer to a previous statement I have made about that topic in this post.

Beware the master

Beware the master published on 3 Comments on Beware the master

The Google-Fu is strong with this one…..

“Google-Fu” is a disciplined mastery of search techniques using Google. A true google-fu master possesses many secret and awe-inspiring keyboard moves that allow him or her totally mastery of the browser and grants ultimate access to the most obscure data.
If you have strong Google-Fu, you can be a truly valuble asset to any organisation or your friends.
The same dark skills also make you a scourge to anyone that claims to have original ideas, but which have actually been sourced from anywhere online.

With the rise of Bing, the Google-Fu master now has a yin to their yang.
There is no official term for a master of Bing, that I am aware of (possibly no masters exist yet). So, I have coined the term “Bing-Do”, to compliment the “Google-Fu” terminology already being used.

It seems that mastery of these two opposing mystic arts may one day bring balance to the interwebz and the wielder of their mighty secrets.
Or, if used for impure purposes, it may be the cause for the downfall of the entire online world!

Either way, as long as there are explosions and maybe a car chase, I will be fine with it!