TV Times

TV Times published on 3 Comments on TV Times

The new remake of “V” sucks!

I am a fan of the original series and remember watching it as a young boy. I eagerly awaited this remake of the series, based on my memories of the original story. However, so far, I have been pretty disappointed.

Not much of anything has happened, and I have not seen the bits that I am really waiting for.
I want laser gun shootouts, groovy sunglasses, aliens revealing the lizards underneath their skins and plenty of small rodents being eaten.

Is it really to much to ask for more of the good stuff like in this image below?

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Dodgy Karate

Dodgy Karate published on 1 Comment on Dodgy Karate

Ever had the feeling that you were being had?

The rise of the internet has allowed many unscrupulous people to suddenly become “experts” in a particular field and being touting themselves as the perfect source of knowledge for you to follow.
They tend to target industries in which the general public do not have a great deal of knowledge regarding what the profession actually even does, let alone what is required to become an expert. Professions such as Search Engine Optimisation, Web Design, Online marketing & Social Networking.

One industry that I have had experience with, and which is also prone to many fake professionals, is the world of Martial Arts.

If you want to, you can begin a martial arts school, or even an entire style, overnight. Certifications can be faked, made up or even just purchased online.
The “Master” of the art may have no formal qualifications of experience, yet appear to be a long time practicioner.
This creates a very dangerous environment for anyone that then decides to train with these “Masters” as they can get ripped off or seriously injured.

He who is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
~ Ben Jonson

Often, these fake Martial art schools are simply a pyramid scheme, designed to make the founder as rich as possible is a very short time.
A common technique is to fast-track students through to being a teacher themselves, often with the purpose of starting their own schools and starting the process all over again.

It is a shame this occurs, be it in the Martial Arts or in any industry, as all it serves to do in the long run is to breed mistrust with the general public and confusion over what that profession or industry could truly offer them.

If you take the time, and think about the information you receive when speaking to any “expert”, then you should eventually work out the true ones from the fakes.
After all, “A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action.”

Angry Flash

Angry Flash published on 4 Comments on Angry Flash

This time it’s personal…..

There has been a lot of talk on the Interwebz about the lack of support for Flash on the iPad. We all came to accept it missing from the iPhone, but expectations were high that the fabled iPad would support it. But not so.

And due to this, there have been numerous jokes made about it online.
Obviously, I have thrown my hat into the ring with the comic above. But there have been many other great ones also created over the past few weeks.

Two of my favourites are:

> This episode of Foxtrot, by Bill Amend. It is a great strip and this comic is very well done in it’s approach to this joke.
> A more subtle but hilarious version by Ben McCormick, who creates the strip “Reality Amuck
> Also, while creating this comic, I could not resist doing a very lame iPad joke about flash. Sorry  😛

Apple has said all along it didn’t believe Flash was a good mobile technology and resisted supporting it since the first iPhone was released.
They prefer HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and H.264 (all supported by the iPhone and iPad) that are open and standard, while branding Adobe’s Flash to be closed and proprietary.

But despite the Apple openly not supporting Flash on their mobile products without a reason, Adobe spent a lot of time to rectify the situation at there end.
Adobe Systems put in the effort to change its technology, and prepared solutions for building Flash applications that run on the iPhone.

Then Apple changed the terms of its iPhone 4.0 software developer kit license, which effectively blocked Adobe’s move, meaning that Adobe ceased future development of the Flash-apps-on-iPhone technology.
The result of all this is an Apple-Adobe battle of which I, for one, will be keen to see the outcome.

Looking for a cool new online comics to read?
Well you are in luck, because I have two to recommend to you today! I really like the art in these comics and I hope you do to.

Go now, and check out:

Toonhole” is a very cool site, which has comics drawn randomly by a bunch of different artists.
The artists include: Mike Nasar, John Martinez, Ryan Kramer, Chris Allison & Aaron J Paetz. 
WARNING – it is not always safe for work.
Lead Paint Comics” is a strip which is about boobs, barfing meat golems and girls with time portals in their crotches. It is written by Mike Cornnell and Dana Wulfekotte
Split Lip” is a horror webcomic site, drawn by Sam Costello & various artists. There is a good range of stories on the site, and if you are a horror aficionado, I think you will like it immensely.

Doubledown Fail

Doubledown Fail published on 9 Comments on Doubledown Fail

Fast food is not always a winner.

If you have not yet heard of the KFC Doublebown, then go and check it out here –

This is just another in a very long line of consumer foodstuffs that are produced to get a market reaction.
The companies claim these items are produced based on customer requests – which is a really scary thought.

I want food that I can eat without getting an ill feeling before I even finish it, please.
And there is already plenty of online evidence to prove that this is exactly what happens.
Just have a read through the posts of those that have already been brave enough to try this thing.
(I would call it a burger, but I am not sure that is the right word.)

This thing scares me probably even more that the fabled “McGangbang” burger, because lots more people will try a Doubledown, I believe.

Oh well. People need to make their own choices.
I will just sit now and wait for the “Doubledown sufferers” wards to start opening in hospitals everywhere this is sold……