Locating Waldo

Locating Waldo published on 1 Comment on Locating Waldo

Not everything fits with these modern trends.

Location apps are so popular right now, that sometimes it is really scary to think about.
People willingly advertise where they are and then, of course, some opportunistic wierdos use that info to stalk them and generally be douches.

There are reports being posted all the time, about people being harrassed, attacked or robbed, due to the fact that they have told the world where they are.
It already has it’s own special terminology too. FOURSTALKING.
Have a read of this article, (Fourscared and Fourscammed) which relates some alarming stories of Fourstalking.

For many people, it seems that simply using common sense is an impossibility, when telling the entire planet what you are doing and where you are going.
My favourites are those users that add their own houses to Foursquare. If I were criminally minded, I would know exactly when to rob your house, because you tell me when you are not home. Brilliant!

Perhaps the only way to sort things out is to make the Foursquare Cops a reality?
I wonder how long it will be until we have legal legislation against certain online location based activites.
Maybe not soon enough…..

Whoa! A very strange and totally coincidental occurrence has just……um…occurred.

As I am posting this comic, I took a look at the very latest “My Cardboard Life” strip, which is created by the talented Philippa Rice.
(Also known as @thejuzzard on twitter).

With absolutely no prior knowledge of my comic subject, she has just posted a strip which also has WALDO! Check it out here

Seriously, how weird is that?


Cosplaymitment published on 2 Comments on Cosplaymitment

Sometimes cosplay does not go far enough.

I often thought to myself about how much fun it would be if people just dressed like fantasy characters as part of everyday life.
Then a few days ago, I saw this tweet from Joel Watson. It inspired me to create the comic above and to try to cement a brand new word into our language.

That word is “Cosplaymitment”.
As he has the only previous published reference to the word, Joel Watson becomes the creator of this new word. One which I hope will live long and prosper.

I want to see this new word taken to heart, and to hopefully see roving bands of anime characters walking down suburban streets on any old day of the week.
Just imagine getting pizza delivered by a Sasuke lookalike, or having the Guyver serve you at the petrol station.
You could see a blood elf serving you at the supermarket, or Pikachu fixing your car.

It may sound silly to you, but I think it would add so much more fun into our everyday lives. The japanese kind of already do this, in places like Harajuku, where on Sundays, people dressed in many differnt styles of clothing ,including cosplay, gather to spend the day socializing.
Google for Harajuku images and you will see what I mean. (or just click here, because I have done this for you already).

How much fun does that look like? It would be awesome. If it is anything like the Cosplayers at Comic conventions, then you would also find they are pretty open and happy to talk to anyone. It would be like a party everyday!

So, my challenge to you is this – Next time you have free dress / casual friday at work, take the plunge and really work that freedom to it’s upper limits.
Throw on your superhero costume or splinter cell outfit (yes, I know you have one…) and go to work.
It is sure to liven up the day and everyone will thank you.

Looking for a cool new online comics to read?
Well you are in luck, because I have two to recommend to you today! I really like the art in these comics and I hope you do to.

Go now, and check out:

Tinkers of the wasteland” by Rulo Trevino. (Just FYI – this link takes you to the start of the story)
And he has more excellent art here : http://trevinoart.com/

The Strange High House in the Mist” by Jason Thompson.

Dark Night

Dark Night published on 4 Comments on Dark Night

Where were you when the lights went out?

The world recently took part in Earth Hour, which started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.

My favourite thing about it, is that many places celebrate by having a massive Fireworks display, which to me, seems to go against the whole movement somewhat. Both Sydney & Seatlle did that this year. But I do like the pretty lights….

I support the movement due to the public awareness it raises, but I personally feel that it still allows the average person to participate and then forget about what they can do to help save the planet, for another 12 months.
I truly hope I am wrong, and the attitudes of the peoples of the world begin to change.

Anyway, while the lights were off, I got creative! I made some shirt designs and stuff, to help make the world brighter and more fun. Yay for me!
They make excellent gifts and will also increase your coolness quotient by a factor of 22.
Also, the money raised will help fund me to do some art classes and make better/funnier comics, which is something that I am sure you all want.
(yes john, that comment is aimed at you)

To find out more and buy something, just click on the images below:

Zombie headshot shirt Zombie Headshot mug Mr T-rex



Pussy Envy

Pussy Envy published on 8 Comments on Pussy Envy

For some people, this is just a fact of life.

People follow cats, dogs, rabbits and all kinds of other animals on Twitter.
There are over 500 cat accounts alone.
And I ask simply, WHY?

Yes, I see the novelty factor, and I know people love their pets, but seriously people. Come on!
If you run one of these accounts, you need to take a good hard look at yourself.

And you readers are not blameless in this, after all, some of you FOLLOW these accounts.

Take a look at this article about 7 Cats On Twitter With More Followers Than You.
The most famous twitter cat of all, Sockington the cat (@sockington – no, I am not linking to it) has 1,526,663 followers when I wrote this post.
A list celebrities on twitter have fewer followers than that! No wonder people get depressed using social media.

It goes further too. There are special networking sites for pets, called “social petworks” (No, I did not just make that up. Go on, google it.)
And there are sites to even help your pets tweet without your help!

This is not good people. Do you not realise what is happening here? Can you not see where this is headed?
We are slowly, but surely, enabling the animals to take over as the dominant species of this planet.

I plead with you – Stop it all NOW, before it is far too late!! BEWARE THE ANIMAL UPRISING!!

If this post is being read by any animals, please take note that I am a hard worker, and am willing to use my influence over others to serve under your glorious reign, when that day comes. I was just writing this so the other stupid humans think I am on their side. Meow meow woof squeak forever.

By the way, yes, I am aware that this comic is provocatively titled. If you have found your way here by googling ‘pussy’ and are actually reading this sentence, then leave a comment below. Also, ask yourself why you have not yet figured out this is not a porn site and are still reading?