Mr Twitter

Mr Twitter published on 5 Comments on Mr Twitter

Is this the man of 1,000 faces? No, not quite…..

When I thought up this comic, I checked to see if it had been done before.
As far as I have been able to tell, this piece of absolute comedy gold has not been used before! Amazing!
It is such as easy joke to make, that it makes me wonder why it has not been done before?

My theory on this is that all the funny people out there (you know, the ones who are super ultra cool & really “get” twitter) are busy making hilarious new words with a “TW” at the front of it.
For example:
twalking: walking while twittering via text
twake-up: tweeting as soon as you wake up in the morning, mostly before performing any other morning ritual
twelp: asking for help
twerfew: a self-imposed time of night after which no more tweets are allowed
tweetypo: a typo in a tweet
twleep: state resembling sleep

Ha ha ha ha ha ha !
Oh, ok… Let me just wait until you have goten your breath back after laughing so hard……

My issue with these kinds of terms is threefold.

  1. Most of these words are longer than the real word, so they actually take up additional characters in a tweet
  2. They are, on the whole, extremely hard to say and make you sound like you have a speech impediment when you attempt to drop them into conversations to display how cool & with-it you are.
  3. Using most of these words display just how uncool & out of touch with things you really are.
    (seriously – these “tw” terms are soooooo end of 2008.)

So, I hope my little rant has got you thinking.
Now can we move on and please stop regurgitating things tat were never really funny to begin with?

Continue reading Mr Twitter

Trick or Tweet

Trick or Tweet published on 16 Comments on Trick or Tweet

Do you know who these characters are?

We don’t celebrate Halloween in Australia, but I wanted to do a special comic for the holiday, to suck up to for my readers from the USA to enjoy.

Halloween is a very foreign idea to us aussies and even though we do celebrate and embrace Halloween, we often decorate our offices & shops – mainly to try to cash in on it.
Halloween presents us with a great opportunity to make more sales by using the holiday to provide novelty themes and ‘holiday” specials on a vast range of products.

Yes, Halloween in Australia has all the retail angles covered, but lacks the love that I know so many Americans have for it.

Although, kind of in the spirit of things, we in Brisbane recently had our annual Zombie Walk.
Check out some pictures on flickr here and here.


Future Shock

Future Shock published on 5 Comments on Future Shock

What would your future self tell you about the stuff you write on social media?

It is something to ponder, isn’t it?
Do you care about the historical value of your facebook status updates or your twitter history?

I know I don’t.

It is just social media. I like to just relax into it and use it for conversational purposes.
No sense stressing over what may have happened in the past. Just learn from your mistakes & move on.
Unless, of course, your mistake can destroy the world in the future! (Although that is very unlikely).

Anyway, I am not writing much this time.
It is late at night as I write this, and I struggled with this comic.
I am still not sure if I really like it.

All I know is, I just wanted to draw dinosaurs with guns. Mission Accomplished!

Augmented laziness

Augmented laziness published on 4 Comments on Augmented laziness

This is what happens when augmented reality becomes too accessible.

How long will it be until we all rely on augmented reality way too much?
Like we already do, with mobile phones, internet, social media and google.

Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or augmented by) virtual computer-generated imagery – creating a mixed reality. The augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements.

Augmented reality has actually been around for years (eg: sports scores overlaid on TV during a match screening, or a “heads up” display for a Fighter Pilot).

However, having it accessible through mobile devices is about to take this to a whole new level.
This will be the new way to get information. Having this technology integrated with mobile devices makes it so easily accessible that we will not think twice before accepting what it says as the truth.

Augmented reality is already abeing used in many different iPhone apps and online.
Check out these 35 Awesome Augmented Reality Examples.

It is going to offer us a whole new world, which s ome will choose to keep their distance from, and others will attempt to live inside of constantly.

For me, I look forward to the day that I can use the technology to guide me to where I left my car keys.