The Government is reading your tweets and plans to oppress you through facebook!
Social networks are just a front to get your information!
A grand conspiracy to place all an individuals information into massive government database so they can monitor & oppress you!
Well, that is the plan (if you believe in that sort of thing). Luckily, the internet has blown the lid off the top secret machinations so we can all be vigilant.
The curtain has been raised, and through the power of the internet, we now know so many things.
For example:
– Did you know that “Facebook is a CIA front” ?
– Obama plans to oppress you via Facebook ?
– The CIA uses facebook to recruit new operatives ?
– Twitter makes you dumber
– Twitter was created by mind control experts
So, as you casually tweet away, or play your facebook games, make sure your aluminium foil hat is on tight.