The never ending search for bigfoot is a pastime that many americans do not take lightly.
There are organisations, local hunting groups, research groups, organised tour operators and more – all dedicated to finding the elusive Bigfoot (or Sasquatch).
In this day and age, I find it hard to believe we cannot find this creature.
As I have posulated in my comic, why don’t we just leave a bunch of iPhones near the sites they are regularly sighted, and wait until they post a brightkite map link, or show up in our tweetstreams?
Then – POUNCE!
Footage captured in October 20, 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin, claims to show a bigfoot which they encountered in Bluff Creek.
This film has captured the imagination of many over the years and Bigfoot has become quote a celebrity in it’s own right.
It has even appeared briefly in the Simpsons, and even “The Bionic Woman“.
How awesome is that.
So, if you are now inspired to go bigfoot hunting, and you’re thinking of heading off into the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest anytime soon, then you may need this handy map to help you locate the areas of recent Bigfoot sightings, courtesy of Allan Sanders.
All you have to do is add a comment and let me know what little gem I have hidden in the comic.
I have added a little detail somewhere, which pays homage to the appearance of bigfoot in an animated setting, which was actually poking fun at the Patterson-Gimlin film footage.
Warning – the prize may be a signed copy of one of my illustrations as shown on my Etsy store.
I (think I) noticed the “gem” before I even read what you wrote about it!
The Bigfoot in your comic is wearing a watch, which, I believe, is a reference to Bigfoot’s apperance in the Simpsons!
Correct! Only one comment and got it right the first time.
I am going to have to make these harder in future and give less clues….
¡Encontraron a Pie Grande!…
El por que de que Pie Grande no debe usar un iPhone…
yeah! I noticed the watch from the mr plow episode 😆
Great illustration of bigfoot. On the weekends we put on our online bigfoot magazine, Bigfoot Ballyhoo, things of interest to kids. We would love to have one of your illustrations on the site. Thanks, Linda Newton-Perry of Bigfoot Ballyhoo.
Sure, you can add this comic to your blog. All I would like is a link back to the original, please.