TV Times

TV Times published on 3 Comments on TV Times

The new remake of “V” sucks!

I am a fan of the original series and remember watching it as a young boy. I eagerly awaited this remake of the series, based on my memories of the original story. However, so far, I have been pretty disappointed.

Not much of anything has happened, and I have not seen the bits that I am really waiting for.
I want laser gun shootouts, groovy sunglasses, aliens revealing the lizards underneath their skins and plenty of small rodents being eaten.

Is it really to much to ask for more of the good stuff like in this image below?

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We need this tech!

We need this tech! published on 2 Comments on We need this tech!

There is no escape!

Whoever can make the software described in this comic, will become the new ruler of the world.
Throw in the options to block people who listen to Nickleback, and I will happily purchase anything you make from that point forward, for all eternity.

Heck, you can even start a social network and I’ll gladly let you quietly screw me over in the background just like Zuckerberg is doing, and I will never post a negative blog or tweet about it. Guaranteed!


Missing published on 6 Comments on Missing

How many of these people do you know?

I know too many of these kinds of people and I discover more and more of them online every day.
Abandoned foursquare accounts, half-hearted facebook profiles and twitter accounts that have not been touched since the end of 2009 when twitter was the “next big thing”.

I believe that the average everyday “person on the street” from the age of 25 upwards, still does not really “get” online social media.
They merely partake so they can be a part of the excitement that the news media tells them is occurring.

The internet is already full of abandoned sites, forums and message boards.
They are the online ghost towns just taking up file space and providing virtual rubbish for future generations to clean up in years to come.

Dont check system files

Dont check system files published on 7 Comments on Dont check system files

Where do you hide yours?

Do you have a special folder on the computer, that is named something so boring that no-one checks it?
Maybe you keep your digital porn on a secret removable drive, which you stash away under your mattress (like you used to do when you had dirty magazines)?

Perhaps you are one of the modern breed that openly looks at online porn and even shares it with your wife/husband/partner/cat/dog, etc.

But no matter how grownup and modernly adventurous you become, I will bet you still don’t want to let your mum find it.