The twitter bird in real life

The twitter bird in real life published on 12 Comments on The twitter bird in real life

The twitter bird intrigues me.

It has been chosen as the mascot for an extremly powerful micro-blogging system, mainly due to it being small, cute and fun. It implies communication and anticipation. Some say  it’s the perfect choice for Twitter.

Then I began to think about what it would be like if the twitter bird was an actual bird.

I think you will agree that if it was real, it would be very annoying.

Twitter Birds in Real Life This comic has been pretty popular, and I tried to get this printed onto a Threadless t-shirt. However, the votes were not high enough to get this to happen.So, forget that – I will just let you get the shirt directly from here.

Now everyone can easily purchase one and get stick it to Threadless at the same time!

Please also feel free to request any of my comics on a shirt, and I will be happy to make them available in the store.

A really bad day for the twitter bird

A really bad day for the twitter bird published on 1 Comment on A really bad day for the twitter bird

There are just some days when you really wish you were not there….
Perhaps the rest of the gang got bird flu??

If  you’ve had a really bad day recently, leave a comment and let me know about it.

The Fail Whales Vet Checkup

The Fail Whales Vet Checkup published on 1 Comment on The Fail Whales Vet Checkup

Poor old FailWhale!

At least now, he can explain the rash on his back and show the doctors certificate to prove it.
But explaining to his friends, why he has rope burns across his belly is always going to be difficult…..

FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture

FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture published on 1 Comment on FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture

If the failwhale had an awesome business idea, do you think he would be able to shake off all his bad press, and be ale to raise the capital needed to get it going?

I have a feeling that he is branded as a “high risk” investment forever…