Seasons Greetings to all who visit my site to look at my comics, leave some feedback or try to add spam into the blog comments.
Thank you so much for visiting me throughout the year.
Have a very happy holiday season.
A christmas themed drawing, which was inspired by the classic tale “A Christmas Carol“, by Charles Dickens.
This is my updated version of one of the ghosts in the story.
He is totally full of “Holiday Spirit”, as well as “Holiday wine”, “Holiday beer”…… well, you get the picture.
This guy will visit you at christmas, drink all the booze and possibly leave you with a puddle of something that your truly hope is only ectoplasm, under the tree.
The Ghost of Christmas Pissed visits you to let you know that it is OK to have a couple of drinks at the work Christmas party or at your family gathering.
So, why not print this out and give it to your friends, to share the Holiday Cheer!
Let them know that they can cut loose& have a little fun at this time of year.
To print it, click here
I had to put this comic up, as a public service to humanity.
Frankly, I think you should nominate me for a Nobel Peace Prize, for warning the world of the impending danger of Chuckmas.
This is kind of a follow on to my previous comic, and is the closest I will get to having a story ark for readers to follow.
So, I hope you liked the story. I trust it did not bore you, and that you feel I developed the characters enough to draw you and build an empathy for their plight.
OK then. *Sigh*
Well, just get on with adding a comment below containing your favourite Chuck Norris or Santa jokes below.
You know, like “The saddest moment for a child is not when he learns Santa Claus isn’t real, it’s when he learns Chuck Norris is.”
I know that is all you are thinking of right now, isn’t it?
I bet you are not even reading this…….
This year, Santa is ready for anything……
I originally did the basis of this comic as a special request for a fan (you will know who you are).
But I just love the idea so much, that i just had to share it with everyone.
As well, this comic has spurned another idea, which I hope to have ready to share soon.
Don’t worry – the fan is also getting something very unique, so it is not like they are missing out at all.
I would also like to thank all of the readers of my comics, for sticking with me so far.
I draw these comics because I love to draw. But I keep drawing them because you, the reader, seem to think they are funny.
So, I will keep on making them, thanks to you.