Heroic Computer Problems

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This is the real reason superheros prefer to punch things.

I always wondered why the computers that superheros used, were so big, or seemed to be controlled just by a few large buttons.
To see what I mean , take a look at this pic of the Superfriends and their computer in the Hall of Justice.

Superfriends Computer

That thing is MASSIVE, and has very little in the way of a keyboard or mouse that would require them to touch it.
And looking at the picture, you can see how the are all too scared to even really approach it.

So, I am now convinced that this is one of the major causes of Superhero violence in the Marvel & DC universes.
Sure, it is great having powers and super strength. But if you could not play WOW, or tweet, or facebook, or surf for porn, whatever, then how would you feel?

I bet you would soon want to hit someone.
Really really hard.

Superpowered folk are not really fans of violence – they just really want to be able to play flash games & poke their friends on facebook like everyone else.

I think there is something in that for all of us, don’t you?

UPDATE: In response to this comic, to valiant twitterers have joined in the fun and linked me to their comics, which also make fun of Superheroes and computers. These are great and I thank them both very much!

Click the images below, to enlarge

This one, from @powerscosmic :

Check out more at www.powerscosmic.com

And this one from @DJBogtrotter :

Check out more at djbogtrotter.co.uk

Continue reading Heroic Computer Problems

Foursquare Mayor

Foursquare Mayor published on 10 Comments on Foursquare Mayor

Foursquare may ruin your life!!

It can create obsessive behaviour and the desire to constantly check your phone for updates.
– just like twitter.

You will be searching for friend to make and follow.
– just like twitter.

Secret tips and local info will be yours to exploit and use.
– just like twitter.

In fact, Foursquare has already been touted as the next big thing after twitter, by many blog & press sites
Foursquare : Why it may be the next twitter (a pretty good summary of Foursquare)
Next Year’s Twitter? It’s Foursquare

This service has a narcissistic appeal and draws you in via simple things we all love :

  • Easy Rewards – Foursquare allows you to easily gain points and badges, to prove how good you are.
  • Bragging rights – You can also become the Mayor of a location, which means you (virtually) rule the roost for that spot.
  • Friendly Competition – Others can take the Mayor title from you if they check in there more, so if you want to keep the title, you may have to fight for it.

The social element of this service is what gives it extra appeal to the current pundits. Not to mention that, unlike Twitter, Foursquare is actually creating it’s own revenue stream.

It is smart, as it works in with Twitter, allowing it to easily capture the interest of those users & creating a promotional machine via their tweet streams.

I am also using another similar service called Gowalla. This service also offers points and rewards for visiting locations.
The interface of Gowalla is much more appealing visually, in my opinion.
Through this service, you can find items at different location, left there by previous visitors. These can be collected and disbursed later, when ever you choose to.

Gowalla is great, but the lack of a competition element like the ability to become a Mayor via foursquare, may let it down in the long run, I feel.
Also, I have managed to find ways to cheat in Foursquare. Gowalla doesn’t have the same loopholes.

So for someone who likes to have a little bit of glory as soon as possible, my pick is definitely Foursquare.
But time will tell……

What are your thoughts? Feel free to leave a comment below.

Robots Fail Again

Robots Fail Again published on 1 Comment on Robots Fail Again

The plan to overthrow humanity has been stopped!

Take note readers – if you want to secure against future attack by robots, just add a Captcha code to everything and you will be safe.

Robots cannot read captchas. In fact, that is why they were invented.
A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that humans can pass but current computer programs (robots) cannot pass.

Captchas work by obscuring password character strings by distorting them or adding background interference so that automated programs cannot “see” them.
In fact they work so well that around 30% of them are unreadable by humans as well.
Now, you don’t get much safer than that!

I want to give a special mention here to one of my twitter friends and fellow SPGCC (Single Panel Gag Comic Creator) – Lonnie Easterling.

Lonnie creates ‘Spud Comics‘ and pumps them out 6 days-a-week.
(I am totally jealous of this, as I wish I had the time to do my comics as regularly).
This week, Spud comics had it’s one year anniversary! Check out the celebration comic of this, here.

I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Lonnie. I wish you all the best and I am glad to have found a fellow SPGCC out there in cyberspace, which is done by a guy that really enjoys the art of creating comics.

[ ps: Lonnie, if you read this – get out of my head and stop stealing my ideas 🙂  ]

Internet Cookies

Internet Cookies published on 11 Comments on Internet Cookies

Would internet cookies taste like chips?

This comic is my way of saying Happy 40th Birthday Sesame Street!
Like many other children around the world, I grew up with the Sesame Street Gang.
They taught me the following important life lessons:

– vampires are only really interested in counting, not blood sucking
– monsters are friendly & always hairy
– if you leave garbage on the sidewalk, grouchy creatures will infest the bins
– counting should not stop at ten. It needs to go to twelve.
– a bath is not complete without a rubber ducky
– waiters have the most amazing memories & can get everything wrong without fear of being fired
Super Grover is the most awesome, yet useless superhero ever (and he is cute too!)
– Mr Hooper is not coming back 🙁

Thank you Mr. Henson.  Thank you all the actors, producers, writers, puppeteers, techies, and musicians that have brought Sesame Street to life for so many children for so long.

By the way – what the hell is Snuffleupagus anyway???
Leave me a comment if you know.