This is the real reason superheros prefer to punch things.
I always wondered why the computers that superheros used, were so big, or seemed to be controlled just by a few large buttons.
To see what I mean , take a look at this pic of the Superfriends and their computer in the Hall of Justice.
That thing is MASSIVE, and has very little in the way of a keyboard or mouse that would require them to touch it.
And looking at the picture, you can see how the are all too scared to even really approach it.
So, I am now convinced that this is one of the major causes of Superhero violence in the Marvel & DC universes.
Sure, it is great having powers and super strength. But if you could not play WOW, or tweet, or facebook, or surf for porn, whatever, then how would you feel?
I bet you would soon want to hit someone.
Really really hard.
Superpowered folk are not really fans of violence – they just really want to be able to play flash games & poke their friends on facebook like everyone else.
I think there is something in that for all of us, don’t you?
UPDATE: In response to this comic, to valiant twitterers have joined in the fun and linked me to their comics, which also make fun of Superheroes and computers. These are great and I thank them both very much!
Click the images below, to enlarge
This one, from @powerscosmic :
And this one from @DJBogtrotter :