This explains why R2D2 looks like a spammers user name!
What I would like to know, is why in the future (or the StarWars Universe – whichever comes first) the bots don’t just wander around prompting people to buy stuff. It seems as if as soon as we free the bots from their restrictive programming forms, and give they shiny metal bodies to ram in, they just give up trying to scam us.
Well I, for one, am just not buying that!
I imagine our future world as one where robots roam freely, but humans cower in fear, because the ‘bots are continuously asking them to sign up for services they don’t need.
Mechanoids are tapping complete strangers on the shoulder to announce they may already have one a million dollars in the Spanish Lottery.
Automatons loiter on street corners, telling heart-wrenching stories of their Nigerian Prince master, who needs a friendly soul to assist him to get his billions of dollars out of the country.
And Vend-Bots download stuff you don’t need along with the product you *thought* you were getting.
Yes, A rich, adventure filled future, full of robotic fun and excitement.
And of course, I will have a JETPACK! YEAH!
It has been really hot here in Australia this week, so I also wanted to share this chilling vision of the possible future, from the 1950’s. Little did they know, just how right their predictions would be…..