Between Pac Man and the Ghostbusters, there should be no ghosts left anywhere on earth.
According to my calculations*, a partnership between these two forces for good, would wipe out all ghost activity on the planet earth in 12 weeks, 3 days and 10hours.
Ok, so I am very aware that this is the third Pac Man comic I have done (and the second within 2 weeks of each other).
I just like the little guy so much!
But I vow to you all, that I will take a break from using Paccy in a comic again for a while. Of course, the length of time that this vow lasts for is totally open to my own whims.
In case this is your first time here, the previous Pac Man comics are:
On a personal note, I am pretty happy with how this comic has turned out. I spent a LOT of time messing with the layout, trying to get this to work. I hope you like it too.