More LJAMS More LJAMS published on March 4, 2011Read more posts by the author of More LJAMS, Agent X I warned you that there would be more. But you did not listen. Now look what you have made me do…..
LJAMS LJAMS published on March 3, 2011Read more posts by the author of LJAMS, Agent X1 Comment on LJAMS I just invented L.J.A.M.S. (Lame Jokes About Modern Stuff). This is the first one. They are quick, dumb and only potentially amusing. Be warned – it may not be the last….
Hipster Scientist Hipster Scientist published on December 5, 2010Read more posts by the author of Hipster Scientist, Agent X Click to view larger This picture is so totally ironic. I really did not enjoy making it or anything. I gotta go now and play my ukulele while rearranging my vinyl album collection into chronological order by date of the lead singers hairstyle changes.