General Errors

General Errors published on 3 Comments on General Errors

I think the greatest electronic achievement that  mankind will ever have, will be to create computer error messages that actually make sense to the average person.

Most times, the message you get on screen is just a baffling as the reason why it is there in the first place.
Oh sure, I could go online and look up a list of common computer errors, but that still won’t help usually.

What we really need is an easy to read, detailed message that we can pass onto out tech support people. A message that truly outlines what may be going wrong and how long it might take to fix.

If this occurs, people just might start to understand their computers better and get more comfortable with them.
Of course, that can never happen, lest our tech support “geeks” lose their mystique and perceived value. We need to continue thinking that errors are all dangerous warnings that must be heeded unless we want our laptops to delete their own hard drives.
We must never know that in most cases a simple “turn it off then back on” procedure is what is needed to fix the problem.

No. We must never know.

Perfect Programming

Perfect Programming published on 2 Comments on Perfect Programming

Take a look at what perfect programming looks like.
Sleek. Stylish. Hard to fathom.

Every programmer out there wants to be the best. They want to know the perfect programming language and the best way to lay down their funky lines of code.
It is an endless quest and I believe it is the REAL reason they code.

Secretly, they hope to create something so pure and innovative that the rest of the programming community worldwide will laude them for their achievement for all eternity.
Not such a bad goal to have when you think about it.

Of course,some coders already believe they have reached their pinnacle. they suffer from “perfect programmer syndrome

perfect programmer syndrome: n.
Arrogance; the egotistical conviction that one is above normal human error. Most frequently found among programmers of some native ability but relatively little experience (especially new graduates; their perceptions may be distorted by a history of excellent performance at solvingtoy problems). “Of course my program is correct, there is no need to test it.” “Yes, I can see there may be a problem here, but I’ll never type rm -r /while inroot mode.”

All I know is that these guys can do cool stuff as well as scary stuff. So you should be very nice to them at all times. It is a little known fact that programmers actually love hugs!! (It is 100%true, but they will very forcefully deny it)
So why not make the code-wrangler in your office feel happier?
Go on – give your programmer/s a big hug today!


Replacement published on 5 Comments on Replacement

Don’t you hate it when you get your computer JUST right, and then you have to upgrade it?

I hope that in the future, when we change over to a new model, someone will have created a way to instantly copy over all of our personal settings, installed programs and the placement of our desktop icons.
The person that can create that will have, in my opinion, delivered the most valuable gift to human kind since computers were invented.

It is a very short post accompanying the comic this week, as I have been at  Supanova, meeting & talking with some awesome comic creators and I am pretty tired out. I also have a heap of comics to read, which I better get stuck into really soon.
I will also be doing some blog posts about the things I got up to, and my impressions of the Supanova event, over the coming days.
In case it matters, those posts will pretty much be a cosplay free zone, so stay tuned, if that sounds good to you.


Corporate Squid

Corporate Squid published on

Corporate Squid
Click to view larger

This is a comic idea that I had a while ago. “Corporate Squid” was a squid who gets employment in an office and then has to deal with the mundane day-to-day repetitiveness that most us call our ‘job’.
Corporate Squid had an illustrious run of exactly two strips. The first is above, and the second never actually made it past the inking stage.

I have decided that over time, I will post comics I have done earlier in my life. As the agent-X Comics have only been officially running since March 2009, I figured you may like to get a taste of some of the random doodles that have come before it.
Some are OK and others are just….. well, they happened and need to be owned up to at some point.