The Memes have landed. (First contact)

The Memes have landed. (First contact) published on 4 Comments on The Memes have landed. (First contact)

If aliens landed tomorrow, what would they have to do to avoid scaring us to death?

Ok, sure, we have all seen so many sci-fi shows and movies, that I am sure many of us would handle it fairly well.

But how would the aliens choose to deal with it?
Would they just come right out and show themselves as they are, or choose to take a more subtle route?

This comic shows one possible scenario that aliens may choose to follow, in order to lessen the shock of First Contact. Plus, I had a strange desire to draw an alien dressed as bacon.

Continue reading The Memes have landed. (First contact)

Modern mating calls

Modern mating calls published on 4 Comments on Modern mating calls

Media influences our language, often bringing popularity to words or phrases which then become a part of the “normal” spoken language.
Social networks & online media is no different.

Many words that use today may come from social media or the internet.
Think about it
– Have you recently said you would ‘tweet’ something?
– ‘LOL‘ed at a joke
– told someone you were facebooking
– asked if you can ‘haz‘ something? (cringe)

These terms sneak in so gradually that it feels natural.
This is not a bad thing. It is certainly not a ‘FAIL‘.

The language needs to keep evolving, as it has done since it was created, in order to stay relevant and reflect what we experience in everyday life.

So, the scenario above is not that hard to imagine.
If you know someone who has tried using “cool” terms like this to pick up, please leave a comment below and dob them in. They deserve to be PWNED.

Unfollowed by employment

Unfollowed by employment published on 1 Comment on Unfollowed by employment

This comic originally appeared as a guest submission on Bearman Cartoon’s website.
He did a great writeup for me and his regular site visitors even seemed to like what I did.

I am re-posting the comic here to give people an alternative place to view it.

Now that you have seen it, why not head on over to the Bearman cartoons site, have a look at his work and say “Hi” from me while you are there. Enjoy!

Prevent Hashtag Abuse

Prevent Hashtag Abuse published on 10 Comments on Prevent Hashtag Abuse

Hashtag abuse is on the rise globally.
Random overuse of the poor little hashtag for the purposes of flagging things that people will probably not ever search for again.
Some feel it is funny to commit hashtag abuse over & over again.
But spare a thought for the un-noticed victims…………..
Continue reading Prevent Hashtag Abuse