Superheroes must be the one of the most feared types of people for tech support staff.
They are magnets for having “computer issues” (as I have already covered previously here) and want everything sorted out right away. They are always complaining that the problem has to be fixed immediately, as it is a “matter of life or death”, or “the fate of the world depends on it”, or “a giant robot is about to crush my skull”.
Well boo fricken hoo! Seriously! Either they are too dumb or overpowered to use their computers in the first place, or they are super geniuses always tweaking settings and adding unauthorised custom software. (Yeah, I’m looking at you batman……)
Artists note :
This joke seems so obvious, yet when I researched it*, I was surprised to find this had not been done yet. The closest I could find was this comic, so I thought I had better give it some props.
If you find another version of this gag somewhere, especially with the iceman in it, please add a link in the comments. I would love to see it.
*Ok, I know what you are thinking – yes, I do research things on the google machine. I am all teknological and stuff.
Freeze! The internet cops know what you did.
This comic has been inspired by many things that I have seen, read or experienced during my time on the interwebz.
Some of the behaviour and stupidity that online activity can bring out of people is absolutely mind-blowing.
A very recent example of this is the “Facebook Login” dramas on the ReadWriteWeb site.
If you do not know about this, you should take a look. Start with this article to give you the background on the story.
This is only one of many examples of users not reading things before acting, or just not understanding what they are doing online in the first place.
I personally feel that there should be a structured education program about the internet, usage and etiquette in our schools.
This education program should begin in the First grade and continue up until the end of High school.
The program should be GLOBAL, so that no-one misses out unnecessarily.
If we tried to implement something, then in a few year, perhaps we would not need sites like lamebook.com, or be seeing videos such as this one by Google, which asks a simple question: “What is a Browser?”
Perhaps we also need to explain to everyone at some point, that activities like those shown in this video, are not how the internet or computers work in the real world.
I feel that the media should run educational ads about how the internet works, for free.
Let’s face it, they are to blame for so much dis-information, it is their responsibility to try to help fix the problems.